Tips And Tricks
This page is meant as a container of tips and tricks collected over time, addressing topics and issues brought up by TDE users.
Using sudo and tdesudo
If you use sudo or a sudo-based distribution (such as Ubuntu), it is highly recommended that you install the tdesudo-trinity package as well. This allows to run programs that require root priviledge from the TDE menu using your own password. If tdesudo-trinity is not installed, you will be asked for the root password instead. More details can be found here
Kmail Sanitize and Decrypt Mails
Kmail Sanitize and Decrypt Mails shows an example on how to create a filter in kmail that removes unwanted headers and automaticly decrypts incomming mails.
Lock session and turn off screen
This locks the session and after 3 seconds turns the screen off.
$ cat #!/bin/bash dcop kdesktop KScreensaverIface lock sleep 3 xset dpms force standby
For a ‘GUI’ you can add an Applet to your Panel that calls the Batch file.
Un-Bogging down an Older system
Your system runs pretty well until Firefox, an Office application, or some other high CPU usage application demands too many cycles and your system then ‘freezes’ for seconds or minutes until the application gets finished.
A simple, but somewhat tedious, solution is to add ‘nice’ to the launcher for each. Using LibreOffice as an example, add ‘nice -n 2 ’ before the command:
TDE Menu >> Office >> LibreOffice >> {left click} >> Edit Item
Change the ‘Command’ entry from:
libreoffice %U’
nice -n 2 libreoffice %U
Then find every other entry for LibreOffice (LibreOffice Base, LibreOffice Draw, LibreOffice Math, LibreOffice Impress, etc.) and do the same.
Other ‘usual suspects’ to make nice are Browsers, BitTorrent Clients, Diff GUI tools, and occasionally PDF viewers.
Generally anything ‘real time’ you should leave alone (movies, gimp, games).
These were used on a Core2 Duo (P7570 @ 2.26GHz, CPU Mark: 926)
Nice level | Application Name |
1 | Kmail |
2 | LibreOffice |
3 | Firefox |
4 | qBittorrent |
Changing alternating row colors
Alternating row colors in Konqueror, KMail, and probably a lot more, are not set as part of a theme. The are set in Colors:
TCC >> Appearance & Themes >> Colors >> Widget Color >> [Dropdown] Alternate Background in Lists
Who knew?
Assigning a mouse click as part of a keyboard shortcut
There are multiple ways to accomplish this. The best arguably was the first method, which has been lost to time.
In these examples we are trying to achieve:
{Windows Key} + {left mouse click} = Minimize application under mouse cursor
Change what you need to achieve what you want.
Method 01: Lost
As the name says it’s been lost. What is remembered is that:
- No additional software had to be installed
- The change was exceedingly minor.
Method 02: xbindkeys, xdotool
Buggy. This works, but the xdotool command used occasionally leaves an unfinished half keystroke hanging.
A): Go to:
Trinity Control Center >> Regional & Accessibility >> Keyboard Shortcuts >> Shortcuts Schemes >> Global Shortcuts >> Windows
- Set "Minimize Window" to “Win+Space”
B): Issue these command(s) as root or using sudo.
$ apt-get install xbindkeys $ apt-get install xdotool $ apt-get install xbindkeys-config # << optional
C): Edit .xbindkeysrc
- Edit $HOME/.xbindkeysrc
- Add:
#MinimizeWindowUnderMouse "xdotool click --clearmodifiers 1 key super+space" m:0x40 + c:133 + b:1 + release
Note: xbindkeys does not like superfluous comments within it’s definitions. Leaving prior entries commented out within the config definition caused odd, and inconsistent, results. ymmv.
D): Issue these command(s) as yourself
$ killall xbindkeys && xbindkeys
E): To minimize any window
Move mouse over window, hold down Window key and click left mouse button.
Method 03: xbindkeys, dcop and/or gdbus
Basically the same as xbindkeys, xdotool but replacing xdotool with either a dcop or gdbus command. This is probably less ‘buggy’ than xdotool, unfortunately the writer doesn’t understand enough about either to make this work.
Removing captions from K-Menu
Add following line into section [menus] in file ~/.trinity/share/config/kickerrc
Adding a separator between windows button in the title bar
Open TDE Control Center -> Appearance & Themes -> Window Decorations and then select the "Buttons" tab.
In the middle of the screen there is a list of possible buttons. Drag a separator (--- spacer ---) on the title bar of the sample window, between the buttons where you want to space to appear.
Check the preview in the bottom part of the screen and modify again as required.
Confirm when done.
Log out of current TDE session
You can log out of the current TDE session and possibly shut down the system automaticly (depending on your TDE configuration) using this command:
dcop kdesktop default logout ["confirm" "type" "mode"]
You can append three parameters "confirm", "type", "mode" to determine the logout behaviour according to the following values:
- First parameter "confirm"
- -1 -- Obey the user's confirmation setting
- 0 -- Don't confirm, shutdown without asking
- 1 -- Always confirm, ask even if the user turned it off
- Second parameter "type"
- -1 -- Select previous action or the default if it's the first time
- 0 -- Only log out
- 1 -- Log out and reboot the machine
- 2 -- Log out and halt the machine
- Third parameter "mode"
- -1 -- Select previous mode or the default if it's the first time
- 0 -- Schedule a shutdown (halt or reboot) for the time all active sessions have exited
- 1 -- Shut down, if no sessions are active. Otherwise do nothing
- 2 -- Force shutdown. Kill any possibly active sessions
- 3 -- Pop up a dialog asking the user what to do if sessions are still active
Full stop example
Don't ask, log out and halt machine, killing any sessions
dcop ksmserver default logout 0 2 2
Upgrading from KDE3 or from TDE 3.5.x to R14.0.x
If you are migrating from KDE3 or upgrading from TDE 3.5.x, you can reuse your own settings in TDE R14.0.x.
When logging into R14.0.x for the first time, TDE will automatically execute a script which will migrate as many of your KDE3/TDE3.5.x settings as possible. At the end of the process, your KDE3/TDE3.5.x profile will still exist (unchanged) and a new TDE profile will have been created inside the ~/.trinity folder.
Please refrain from renaming your .kde into .trinity before running R14.0.x. If you do so, the migration process will not take part and some applications may not run smoothly after that. See here for an example of problems that may arise if you rename your .kde folder manually.
Upgrading from an old version (pre Dec/2014)
Depending on your previous version of TDE, the file /etc/trinity/tdm/tdmrc may change from a script-generated file to a config file. It is advisable to accept the newer file if you are upgrading from an old version to TDE >= R14.0.0.